2021 Volvo A25G

0 out of 5

$ 280000.00

The 2021 Volvo A25G is a powerful and versatile articulated hauler designed for heavy-duty hauling in construction and mining operations. With its advanced features and robust construction, this hauler offers exceptional performance and productivity. Upgrade your hauling capabilities with the reliability and effectiveness of the 2021 Volvo A25G.


Equipped with advanced features such as Volvo Dynamic Hauling technology and automatic load weighing system, the Volvo A25G offers enhanced performance and productivity. Its intelligent transmission and hydraulic system optimize fuel efficiency and power distribution, resulting in reduced operating costs and increased productivity.

The 2021 Volvo A25G is designed for operator comfort and ease of operation. Its spacious cab, ergonomic controls, and excellent visibility provide a comfortable and productive working environment. With its robust construction and protective features, this hauler can withstand rough terrains and provide reliable performance in all conditions.

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